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Tomatoes Love Marigolds

Companion planting is the cornerstone of permaculture planting. The basic principle is that one particular plant benefits another plant when planted close by. It is the plant version of a symbiotic relationship. One of the most successful relationships is that of between the Tomato and French Marigold.

French Marigolds emit a strong odour that will repel greenfly and blackfly, hopefully shielding the tomatoes from these pests. Not only that, the French Marigold can also be used sacrificially. Slugs love to eat Tomatoes, but they love French Marigolds more. By allowing slugs to munch on your Marigolds, their bellies will be too full to eat your tomatoes.

#companionplant #permaculture #tomatoes #frenchmarigold #marigold permaculturedesign #permaculturegarden #homegrowntomatoes

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